The Lawyer's Compass
Mission Statement
The Lawyer's Compass is dedicated to helping lawyers navigate life, work and the future.
We encourage lawyers to understand how their personal values will impact their ability to succeed in a technologically changed future, to practice ethically and to find contentment in their work.
In particular, we focus on how lawyers' values will determine their ability to develop the trust of their clients, the key element of the client-attorney relationship. We provide practical strategies for developing trust in clients. We prompt lawyers to develop and maintain a clear vision of professional life that promotes personal trustworthiness.
We support these themes through workshops and seminars, our blog, our social media postings, our website, as well as through various suggested readings and self-examination exercises, including The Lawyer's Compass Tool.
Contact Us
The Lawyer's Compass
Suite 200
3240 Cardinal Drive
Vero Beach, Florida 32963
Tel: 772-234-8344
Fax: 772-234-8339